TMCI Padovan, a portfolio company of Alkemia SGR

  • Member Pirola Corporate Finance
  • Sector Industrials
  • Date completed 12.09.2023
  • Client TMCI Padovan, a portfolio company of Alkemia SGR
  • Country Italy
  • Acquirer Omnia Technologies
  • Country Italy

Pirola Corporate Finance acted as financial advisor of the private equity fund Sinergia II by Alkemia SGR in the sale of the company TMCI Padovan to Omnia Technologies, a project of Investindustrial focused on technological solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical and medical sectors.
TMCI Padovan, a company active in the production of process lines for food & beverage, can count on 4 production plants, 230 employees and a turnover of about 65 million euros, achieved in 90 countries. Since 2014, the company has been in the portfolio of the Sinergia II fund, launched by Synergo Capital and merged in recent weeks into Alkemia Sgr. Thanks to its market presence and important synergies with the other brands and divisions of Omnia Technologies, TMCI Padovan will be able to complete the Group’s offer in the food & beverage sector and further expand its presence in international markets. With this new structure, which kicks off the worldwide cluster of integrated technologies for wine, beer and soft driks, Omnia Technologies can count on more than 1,400 employees, a pro-forma turnover of 400 million and 18 production sites around the world.

Pirola Corporate Finance
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