PGIM Real Estate

  • Member Atout Capital
  • Sector Business & Financial Services
  • Date completed 10.07.2019
  • Client Uniti
  • Country France
  • Acquirer PGIM Real Estate
  • Country France

ATOUT CAPITAL advised UNITI in the setting up of a long-term investment partnership with PGIM Real Estate, the PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL real estate investment activity and one of the world’s largest real estate investor. This partnership has been built through a capital increase, providing PGIM Real Estate with a 35% stake and the creation of UNITI CROISSANCE, a 30 million committed joint venture which will finance 200 million of housing sales. This 36 million partnership enables UNITI to reinforce its capital structure and finance its development, in order to become a nation-wide player in the construction of social and accessible housing segment.

Atout Capital
Joint Venture

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