Pasta Berruto S.p.a.

  • Member Pirola Corporate Finance
  • Sector Consumer
  • Date completed 23.04.2024
  • Client Pasta Berruto S.p.a.
  • Country Italy
  • Acquirer Fondo Italiano d'Investimento
  • Country Italy

Pirola Corporate Finance acted as the financial advisor to Webcor Investments Ltd, an international investment holding company, in the sale of approximately 60% of the majority stake in Pasta Berruto to Fondo Italiano d’Investimento. Pasta Berruto, founded in Piedmont in 1881, specializes in the production of dry durum wheat semolina pasta. The Berruto family will retain a minority stake in the company. The transaction was carried out through the Fondo Italiano Agri & Food – FIAF, the sector fund launched by Fondo Italiano to support the national agri-food chain.

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