Barnhart Crane & Rigging Co.

  • Member MelCap Partners, LLC
  • Sector Industrials
  • Date completed 27.07.2018
  • Client The Rigging Division of Selinsky Force
  • Country United States
  • Acquirer Barnhart Crane and Rigging Co.
  • Country United States

MelCap Partners, LLC successfully represented Selinsky, a leading provider of a wide range of services including refractory, equipment rental, plant maintenance, steel erection, and pulverizer services, in the sale of its Rigging Division. As the Company’s exclusive investment bankers through this process, MelCap assisted Selinsky in divesting the Rigging Division to the most logical strategic buyer. In order to focus on the continued growth and expansion of its core industrial services business, MelCap sold the Rigging Division operations of Selinsky to Barnhart Crane and Rigging Co., a leading lifting and logistics contractor located in Memphis, TN, with over 50 facilities across the U.S.

MelCap Partners, LLC
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