EDMD Etna 12- 15 June 2025

On behalf of Benedetti & Associates  we are delighted to invite you to the 2025 EDMD Etna at Il Picciolo Etna Golf Resort & Spa.  Alongside insightful discussions, we offer you memorable experiences featuring:

🍷 Wine tasting dinner

⛳ Special golf game

🌋 Excursion to Etna

🌊 Alcantara Gorges Tour

Join us for an unforgettable blend of business, networking, and leisure in a breathtaking setting.

Register Now

Fees and Registration

Fees include EDMD meetings, lunches, and dinners events. Members will be responsible for all extra costs, including accommodations, in-room expenses, and participation in additional activities such as golf game and excursions.

Delegates €270  |  Companions €190

Rates apply to payments received by 01 May. Refunds will not be available after this date.

Register Now

Il Pìcciolo Etna Golf Resort & SPA

Globalscope exclusive rates include breakfast, wi-fi, outdoor parking, full access to the gym, and outdoor swimming pool.

Comfort Single Rate €158  |  Comfort Double Rate €176
Promo code: globalscope

Please book your room online directly with the hotel for the preferred rate and activity options. The special group rate is valid exclusively for the conference dates (12–15 June). To extend your stay, please contact the hotel directly at booking@ilpiccioloetnagolfresort.com.

The deadline for the room reservation is 19 April. Book NOW to secure the group rate.

Il Picciolo Etna Golf Resort & SPA Link

Additional Activities

Our host Giuseppe Benedetti will be organizing a “friendly” golf game at the golf resort, on Thursday morning, 12 June. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a casual player, it’s a great opportunity to connect with fellow Globalscope delegates and companions in a sublime setting.

If you’re interested in exploring the beautiful region of Sicily, you can join excursions organized by the hotel exclusively for Globalscope members.

On Saturday, you can take part in a 5-hour excursion to the Etna summit area. The guided excursion starts at 1,800 meters (Piano Provenzana) and ascends by off-road vehicles to 2,850 meters at Pizzi Deneri offering panoramic views of the Aeolian Islands and Ionian Coast. The journey includes trekking on lava flows, exploring craters from the 2002 eruption, and witnessing the beautiful landscape shaped by volcanic activity. Sturdy trekking shoes are highly recommended for this tour.

On Sunday, embark on a 7-hour adventure along the Alcantara Gorges, exploring stunning natural lakes shaped by its flowing waters, with opportunities for dives, slides, and more. Recommended clothing: sneakers (that can get wet), swimsuit, towel and change of shoes.

Options to sign up for these and additional activities, are available when making your reservations on the resort website and will be charged to your room directly.


Register today to join the EDMD mailing list and receive detailed agendas and all related communications. All GS members are welcome to join the EDMD Etna, though our focus will be exclusively on European opportunities.

An invoice will be issued shortly after registration. For any additional questions, please contact Sanja Ivkovic.

2025 EDMD Etna Registration

We look forward to welcoming you!